Jacksonville Accessory After the Fact Lawyer
Accessory After the Fact.
If someone commits a crime and you help them only after the crime was committed, you can potentially be charged with Accessory After the Fact. Give the experienced Jacksonville criminal defense lawyer of LGL a call to discuss your particular case.
The charge of Accessory After the Fact is typically brought against friends or extended family of a person that has committed a crime. A common scenario would be if a cousin or friend called you up and asked you to hide them from law enforcement because they had a warrant, or asked you to hide a gun or stolen property, or asked you to lie to law enforcement. Not only could you be charged with Accessory After the Fact, you also could be charged with other crimes as well, like tampering with evidence or possession of stolen property (theft).
- A felony was committed by someone, and
- after the felony was committed, you maintained, assisted, or aided or attempted to aid that person, and
- you did so with the intent that that person would avoid or escape detection, arrest, trial, or punishment, and
- you are not related to that person by blood or marriage as husband, wife, parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, brother, or sister.
It is a defense if you are charged with Accessory After the Fact to any of the following crimes and the person that committed the crime you are charged with being an accessory to was your abuser:
- Child abuse
- Neglect of a child
- Aggravated child abuse
- Aggravated manslaughter of a child under 18 years of age
- Murder of a child under 18 years of age.
Even if you were unsuccessful in helping the person avoid or escape detection, arrest, trial or punishment, you still can be convicted of accessory after the fact.
Up to 30 years
Accessory After the Fact to a Life Felony or First Degree Felony
Up to 15 years
After the Fact to a Second Degree Felony
Up to 5 years
Accessory After the Fact to a Third Degree Felony
(with sentencing guideline level of 3 through 10)
Up to 5 years
Accessory After the Fact to a Third Degree Felony
(with a sentencing guideline level of 1 or 2)
Up to 1 year in jail
Accessory After the Fact,
904-642-3332 (Jacksonville)