Jacksonville Tampering with Evidence Lawyer
helps people defend against
Tampering with Evidence
Tampering with Evidence
Tampering with Evidence involves concealing, creating, altering, or destroying evidence of a crime. Typical Tampering with Evidence cases involve flushing drugs down the toilet or erasing incriminating information from a computer or hiding evidence of a crime. Give the experienced Jacksonville criminal defense lawyer of LGL a call to discuss your particular case.
What is Tampering with Evidence?
Tampering with Evidence is defined in Florida Statute Section 918.13. To prove Tampering with Evidence, the State must prove:
- You knew that a criminal trial or proceeding or an investigation by a duly constituted prosecuting authority, law enforcement agency, grand jury, or legislative committee of this state was pending or about to be instituted, and
- you
- altered, or
- destroyed, or
- concealed, or
- removed
any record, document, or thing, with the purpose to impair its verity or availability in the investigation or proceeding, or
- you made, presented, or used any record, document, or thing, knowing it to be false.
What is the potential sentence for Tampering with Evidence?
Tampering with Evidence is a third degree felony, punishable by up to 5 years in prison.
What are the possible defenses to Tampering with Evidence?
The most common defenses to Tampering with Evidence are that you did not or were not the one who tampered with the evidence or that you did not know that the item was evidence in a trial, proceeding, or investigation, or that you did not know that there was a trial, proceeding, or investigation pending. Give us a call to discuss the possible defenses specific to your case.
If you or a loved one has been arrested for or accused of
Tampering with Evidence,
Tampering with Evidence,
Jacksonville Criminal Defense Attorney
904-642-3332 (Jacksonville)
904-642-3332 (Jacksonville)