Jacksonville Immigration Lawyer
LGL’s Jacksonville Immigration Lawyer Jeremy Lasnetski offers a full range of immigration services for his clients.
Jacksonville Deportation LawyerWe have offices in Jacksonville (close to the Baker Detention Center) and Altamonte Springs (close to the Orlando Immigration Court). So, we are uniquely situated to help people in both detained and non-detained cases before the Orlando Immigration Court. We also have several staff members who speak Spanish and are ready to serve any of your immigration needs. So call Jacksonville immigration lawyer Jeremy Lasnetski today to talk about your immigration case.
We also have an extensive background in both deportation defense and criminal law. Very few immigration attorneys understand criminal law and very few criminal attorneys understand immigration law. Jacksonville immigration lawyer, Jeremy Lasnetski, understands both. Whether your deportation case involves a criminal conviction or not, we can help you. Deportation Attorney, John Gihon, is a former ICE Attorney who understands how the immigration system works from the inside. He focuses on deportation cases and he appears before the Orlando Immigration Court on a daily basis.
- Immigration Bond Hearings
- Cancellation of removal for lawful permanent residents
- Cancellation of removal for non-lawful permanent residents
- Withholding of removal
- Convention against torture
- Asylum
- 212(h) Waivers of certain criminal offenses
- Adjustment of status before an immigration judge
- Stays of removal
- Motions to Reopen
- Appeals
Asylum isn't only a defensive form of relief. You can also apply for asylum by filing an application with USCIS. TPS is only available to people from certain countries when the Secretary of Homeland Security designates that country due to conditions that temporarily prevent the country's nationals from returning safely or the country is unable to handle the return of the foreign nationals. TPS is typically designated as a result of ongoing armed conflicts, environmental disasters or epidemics, or other extraordinary and temporary conditions.
Jacksonville U Visa LawyerMany immigration laws are relaxed for foreign nationals who are eligible for U visas or VAWA. Both of these benefits can lead to a green card and neither of them require a sponsor. So, if you are the victim of a crime or the victim of abuse by your U.S. citizen or Lawful Permanent Resident spouse, parent or child, give us a call to schedule a consultation to discuss your eligibility for the U visa or VAWA.
Jacksonville Greencard LawyerJacksonville immigration attorney Jeremy Lasnetski help families reunite and/or stay together in the United States, fiances/fiancees start their lives together, families coming to the United States through consular processing, and much more.
- K1 Visas - Fiance/Fiancee Visas
- Immigrant Visas for spouses and immediate relatives
- Immigrant Visas for extended family (Priority Based)
- Green cards
- Petitions to Remove Conditional Status
- USCIS interviews
Our Jacksonville immigration lawyer Jeremy Lasnetski helps lawful permanent residents through the naturalization process become United States citizens.
- Naturalization applications and interviews
- N-400 Denial and N-336 Appeal
- Federal Litigation on stalled N-400s
- Certificates of Citizenship
- Consular Reports of Birth Abroad
- Derivative and Acquired Citizenship issues
Jacksonville Immigration Attorney Jeremy Lasnetski helps non-citizens with criminal charges to protect their immigration status.
- Criminal Defense
- Comprehensive advice on the immigration consequences of criminal pleas
- Motions to reopen criminal cases where criminal trial counsel failed to advise of the immigration consequences
Get Legal Help with LGL!
904-642-3332 (Jacksonville)
To learn how we can help you with your immigration case, click on the link below related to your immigration issue: